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Healing Crystals Reiki
Crystal Reiki & sacred feminine healing

  • * Promote peace & balance *
  • * Support the body’s natural healing processes *
  • * Nurture emotional, mental & spiritual well-being *
  • * Reawaken & nourish your divine feminine *
Healing crystal grid

What is Reiki?

Healing crystal grid

Reiki is a beautiful, gentle form of energy healing that promotes well-being on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Its name means ‘universal energy’ in Japanese and, by balancing the body’s energy flow, Reiki offers many benefits including relaxation, peace, stress reduction, self-love, a clear mind, enhanced fertility, greater connection with intuition, and help with chronic pain.

During a Reiki session, I will invite you to lie back fully-clothed in my zero-gravity chair, which is a bit like a long deck chair that supports your whole body. If this isn't comfortable for you, treatment can happen just as effectively with you sitting in an upright chair or on your sofa.

Although I find it pleasant to play soft relaxing music, there is nothing specific that you need to do during the treatment - as Reiki is energy, it can do its work whether you are awake and alert or dozing with your eyes closed. During the session, I'll either lay my hands on your body, or just above, depending on the area. If you're not comfortable with direct touch, that's absolutely fine - just let me know and I can keep my hands hovering just above you for the entirety of the session.

People experience Reiki sessions in many different ways; some more tangibly, with feelings of heat, cold, or tingling for example, and some more gently as a feeling of comfortable relaxation. It's possible that you may become emotional as energy blocks begin to be cleared, and this is totally fine too - you'll be in a safe and confidential space. In my experience, whatever needs to happen in a Reiki session at that time will happen, and in the way which is most beneficial for your healing.

Healing tends to carry on after the end session so I recommend staying hydrated and taking it easy for as long as possible after your session. I'll usually follow up with you a week after your session to check in - feel free to get in touch before that if you have any questions or anything to let me know.

The main thing to know is that I'll centre the session around you and whatever you need at that time - there's no pressure on you to be a certain way, or do anything special during treatments. If you have any questions at all, I'd love to hear from you - there's no obligation to sign up for a session once you've contacted me. I love sharing my enthusiasm and experience of this lovely healing modality!

What people say

“Kirstie has such a gentle, calming presence and energy. I felt totally at ease throughout the reiki session, to which I was a total newbie. I didn’t know what to expect but left feeling as though Kirstie had reset my energy and felt an immediate sense of calm and balance. Thank you Kirstie!”

- Sophie

“Kirstie is both a powerful and gentle healer who has cleared a lot of the energy stuck in my body. I suffer from PTSD and from the very first session with Kirstie I felt an important shift take place in my body and felt real peace and grounding in my emotional healing. Thank you so much, Kirstie.”

- Alice

“Kirstie is an amazing reiki therapist, I was feeling really stressed and it was just what I needed. She is really intuitive and her space was so relaxing with crystals, music and her newly renovated van. I would highly recommend it to anyone needing some healing. Thank you so much!“

- Z

How do Crystals Work With Reiki?

Healing crystal grid

Crystals have been used for their specific metaphysical healing properties for thousands of years.

Crystal Reiki is a new branch of Reiki that harnesses these healing properties to amplify and focus the Reiki universal life force energy.

During my sessions, I use crystals in the form of grids, and I may also lay crystals on and around you as you lie comfortably on the Reiki table. I choose the crystals based on their individual properties as well as listening to my inner guidance about what would be most helpful for you at that moment. If you're looking for support on a particular issue, you're welcome to let me know when booking, and I'll bring along a selection of crystals that help specifically with this.




Cheshire, WA14


Kirstie Davidson

Traditional Reiki Master & Crystal Reiki Master

(+44) 07876 794423